Сейчас появляется столько интервью в Вампс на английском языке, что трудно успеть прочитать. Конечно, в большинстве из них информация повторяется (это кстати, очень хорошо для тех, кто хочет освоить инглиш). Но , как я уже говорила, в каждом интервью своя изюминка.
Например, вот тут речь идет о Монорал!
VKH: Speaking of growing, we know that VAMPROSE is producing the younger artists like Monoral and other bands. There are artists that inspire you and we're sure that you inspire other artists, but what made you choose them for your label? Is there something special that you look for in the new artists?
HYDE: (About Monoral) What do we expect...? They are a good band, but we don't really expect much (laughs). In Japan there is a lot of activity and Japanese minds are a little more logical.
For example, Japanese people are very serious, even with music so it would be hard to do things like missing a deadline. Japanese are very business-minded even with making music. So for them, it's difficult, but quite possible, for them to be successful.
From this point, we hope to come across new bands with that kind of mentality.
И что скажете? что бы это значило?
Например, вот тут речь идет о Монорал!
VKH: Speaking of growing, we know that VAMPROSE is producing the younger artists like Monoral and other bands. There are artists that inspire you and we're sure that you inspire other artists, but what made you choose them for your label? Is there something special that you look for in the new artists?
HYDE: (About Monoral) What do we expect...? They are a good band, but we don't really expect much (laughs). In Japan there is a lot of activity and Japanese minds are a little more logical.
For example, Japanese people are very serious, even with music so it would be hard to do things like missing a deadline. Japanese are very business-minded even with making music. So for them, it's difficult, but quite possible, for them to be successful.
From this point, we hope to come across new bands with that kind of mentality.
И что скажете? что бы это значило?
«На данный момент мы надеемся встретиться (случайно) с группами с подобным типом мышления».
Значит, Монорал относится тоже в эту категорию?
Судя по упоминанию, Монорал доводилось срывать дедлайны?
видимо. Конечно, ничего не сообщалось.. Но видимо, что-то было...
Я боюсь, не доводилось ли им когда-то подводить Vamprose, ну и Хайда...
вот именно, из первых уст.